Curriculum Stuff is facetious site about everything which constitutes educating and schooling. Achievements are found over a distance at large, not in a crammed classroom impossible to assimilate into lifestyles.
Receiving instructions is provocation spreading throughout the brain.
Obedience is not even reasonably fair right from the beginning.
Schools are a platform of constructed learning betraying the already rationed soul.
Pupils are taught like they are being put through a lightsome carousal.
Schooling is unwanted luggage which will terrify you.
Never let yourself go into strictly educational myths.
Life is an obstruction of imagination.
Immediately regret the decision to start school unless it is anything but ordinary not drawing attention to your identity formation or something similar to your uncertain obliterated destiny.
Don’t believe in everyday sophistication because it is merely a devoured observation.
All intelligent conversation is controversial, it is not an information success of clarification. It is a tease.